Микро удобрение "АгроНАН" 10 мл
Микро удобрение "АгроНАН" 1 литр
микро удобрение "АгроНАН" 5 литров

«AgroNAN» is a modern multicomponent complex of microelements for foliar fertilizing of plants and presowing seed treatment, which by virtue of its unique properties almost instantly on 99% penetrates into the plant without causing resistance of the cell membrane.

All components of micro fertilizer «AgroNAN» intensively activate necessary for health, growth and development of plants the biochemical and physiological processes – photosynthesis, cellular respiration, oxidation-reduction reactions, enzymatic activity, nucleic and protein metabolism, synthesis of vitamins and growth regulators.

Complex organic micro fertilizer «AgroNAN» has significant valuable qualities.

1. Suitable for all kinds of plants: agricultural, berry, fruit and ornamental crops.
2. Effectively and significantly increases the cropety : the results of field trials showed a higher efficiency of the multicomponent microelement complex «AgroNAN»  in comparison with analogues – micro fertilizers obtained on the basis of the synthetic acids. Organic acids from «AgroNAN» are used by plants as an easily accessible source of energy and have an effective growth-stimulating effect.
3. It does not require stable weather without precipitation, when used outdoors: it consists of organohelicates of biogenic elements that instantly penetrate the plant at the cellular level and are absorbed within 1 hour.
4. Has a high coefficient of efficiency: the degree of digestibility of the drug is 99%.
5. It improves the quality manufactured of the products: it saturates the fruits and the green mass of plants with trace elements useful for proper nutrition of people and animals, filling the lack of minerals available to plants in soils.
6. Reduces the costs of using macro fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potash): when presowing seed treatment with macrofertilizers «AgroNAN», it is possible to reduce the use of macro fertilizers to 50%.
7. Environmental friendliness: lack of toxic effect on natural resources, flora, fauna, including pollinator insects and soil microorganisms .
8. Completely safe for human: 4th hazard class (low-hazardous substances).
9. Economical in use: for private households – 10 ml of the drug (in solution) is enough to process 1000-square-meter of land, for agricultural companies – 50 ml (in solution) is enough to process 1 hectare of grain crops.
10. Convenience in use of the preparation: the opportunity to mix with pesticides and insecticides for simultaneous processing.

Chelate form of microelements:

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Application of microfertilizer “AgroNAN” allows:
When processing seeds:
– prevent the development of a number of fungal and viral diseases;
– significantly increase the germination of plants;
– provide seedlings with initial nutrition.

when feeding plants through foliage:
– ensure fast (1-2 hours) delivery of nutrients to the plant cell;
– stimulate growth processes in the plant;
– protect plants against fungal infections (phytophthora, powdery mildew, etc.);
– improve the taste qualities of fruits.

When sharing with  mineral microfertilizers (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus):
– significantly increase the absorption by plants of nutrient elements from microfertilizers, which makes it possible to reduce the rate of their application to 50%.”AgroNAN” recommended for the cultivation of: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, zucchini, lettuce, parsley, cereals, sugar beet, rape, etc.

Composition: Mg – 1.2 g / l, Zn – 0.3 g / l, Fe – 0.16 g / l, Mn – 0.16 g / l, Cu – 0.12 g / l, Ge – 0.04 g / l, Mo – 0.03 g / l, Co – 0.03 g / l, V – 0.02 g / l, Ti – 0.02 g / l, Ni – 0.01 g / l, Se – 0.005 g / l, B – 0.0002 g / l.

Functions in plants Smptoms of deficiency and Its consequences Cultures predisposed to deficit
B Boron Boron is necessary for the synthesis of RNA and DNA, as well as for hormones and sugar. Promotes flowering and fruit formation. Incorrect and belated development of growth points. The slow development of pollen decreases the ovary and creates not the correct development of the fetus Celery, vegetables, apple trees, grape, rapeseed , beans, alfalfa, sugar and fodder beet.
Mg Magnesium Accelerates photosynthesis, is the main constituent of chlorophyll. Activates many enzymes. Participates in the building of cell walls. Potatoes, greenhouse crops, sugar beet, nuts, hops, grapes.
Ti Titanium Strengthens immunity - increases resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. Stimulates the process of pollination and fruit tying, accelerates their growth. Deceleration of the processes of pollination, fertilization and fruit tying. Light color of greenery due to a decrease in the formation of chlorophyll in plants. Slow growth of fruits. Fungal and bacterial plant damage. All crops, since Ti (Titanium) is practically not contained in the soil.
V Vanadium Improves photosynthesis and respiration of plants, increases the content of chlorophyll and protein. Insufficiency V (Vanadium) significantly reduces the chlorophyll content, doubly reduces the rate of photosynthesis, even at high light intensity. Cultures growing on sandy soils are the least poor V (Vanadium).
Mn Manganese Participates in the disintegration of plant's hormones , assimilation of N (Azot), the synthesis of vitamin C, contributes to the accumulation of sugars. In species with broad leaves - yellow necrotic spots between the veins of the leaf, primarily manifested in young leaves. Deficit leads to a decrease in yield and low quality of the crop. Oats, wheat, barley, peas, cherries, citrus fruits, soybeans, sugar beets, potatoes.
Fe Iron Participates in photosynthesis and metabolism of N (Nitrogen) and S (Sulfur). Uneven and insufficient color of young leaves - chlorosis (disruption of the formation of chlorophyll). Deficiency of Fe often causes death of shoots. Fruit trees, vineyards, bean trees, maize, tomatoes, roses and ornamental plants, citrus fruits.
Co Cobalt Component of vitamin B12. Required for fixing N (nitrogen). Poor plant growth. Insufficient level of Co in fodder crops leads to diseases of livestock. Beans, peas, clover, alfalfa.
Ni Nickel Stimulates the growth and accumulation of plant biomass. Increases the stress-resistance of plants. Insufficiency of Ni (Nickel) leads to a decrease in plant growth rates and a decrease in biomass accumulation under other favorable conditions. All crops, as the content of Ni (Nickel) in the soil is extremely small.
Cu Copper Mostly in the composition of proteins in green cells is responsible for the binding of solar energy; Participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, the synthesis of phytohormones and enzymes. Twisting of young leaves due to the dying of their tips. Reduction of yield due to a decrease in the amount grains of pollens . Weakened ovary in the cereals. Causes the "sagging" branches of the crown in the trees and the bending of cereals. cereals, citrus, apple trees, pears, green vegetables. Rice, alfalfa.
Zn Zinc Enhances the metabolism of starch and N (Azot). Improves plant growth. Affects the synthesis of auxins and vitamins. Promotes root formation. On shoots short interstices, on leaves chlorotic areas or small yellow dots. On the grass yellow chlorosis between the vens. Fruit trees have die out buds and shoots after the first year, premature fall of the foliage. Slow growth. Corn, hops, beans, flax, green vegetables, citrus, grapes, apple trees and pears.
Ge Germanium Antihypoxic, need for better sprouting seeds and plant development. Due to the lack of Ge (Germanium), the germination of seeds is inhibited and the shoots of plants are slowly developing. All crops, as Ge (Germanium) is practically not contained in the soil.
Se Selenium Selenium is necessary for plant resistance to stresses: sharp changes in temperature and humidity, UV - irradiation, salinization of soil, herbicide and other stresses. Rapid aging and weakness of plants due to oxidative stress caused by UV-irradiation, herbicides, unfavorable weather conditions, salinization of soil, etc. Growth and flowering are delayed in plants. Selenium is especially necessary in the zones of risky farming, as well as for pastures and fodder crops, because animals receive Se (Selenium) from plants.
Mo Molybdenum Molybdenum is necessary for the fixation of N (nitrogen) by soil microorganisms. The deficit of Mo (molybdenum) is similar to the deficit of N (nitrogen), i.e. plants grow poorly, young leaves are light green in color. Usually necessary for pastures and legumes; cereals, cabbage, sugar beet, tomatoes.
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